
Lawn Patch Repair

Lawn patch repair can be carried out on lawns that have developed a bare patch, or discrete areas of poor growth.

These may be from physical damage or general wear and tear.

However, bare patches in an otherwise full, healthy lawn could be the result of a variety of issues.

These could be things like pet urine, heavy foot traffic or infestations by grubs or other pests. 

There are several ways to sort these issues out. 

But you need to consider the causes and correct them if you can.

So, if a bare patch occurs because foot traffic continually pounds one area, no fix will be permanent, unless you solve the traffic flow issue.

And if the bald spots are caused by a lawn grub, new bare patches will crop up, unless you address the grubs.

Lawns that are generally poor, weedy, or sparse will benefit from a programme of thorough lawn care maintenance.

We can assist you with Lawn Scarifying, Lawn Aeration, Lawn Overseeding and Lawn Top Dressing.

Lawn needing a patch repair