
Lawn Top Dressing

Lawn top dressing is a mixture of fine sand and loam or organic material which is worked into the surface of the lawn.

This is usually done after Lawn Scarifying, Lawn Aeration or Lawn Overseeding has taken place during the autumn.

It is a highly effective way of improving the soil beneath your lawn.

How can Cotswold-Lawncare help?

Very few lawn care companies offer a comprehensive lawn renovation service (Lawn Scarifying, Lawn Aeration, Lawn Overseeding and Lawn Top Dressing).

We pride ourselves on being able to bring these lawncare treatments to the domestic garden from small to even the largest of lawns.

For small lawns with limited access, we can apply lawn sand and loam by hand to produce fantastic results.

What are the benefits?

Regular top dressing is common on ornamental lawns and professional sports grounds such as golf courses, bowling greens and football pitches. 

However, that doesn’t mean that smaller gardens can’t benefit from it also:

  • Assists with germination after overseeding
  • Improves surface quality and smoothness
  • Fills in cracks, gaps and minor indentations
  • Assists surface drainage
  • Speeds up recovery from aeration and scarification.
Machine used for top dressing the lawn